Do you want to improve the visibility of your business on the Internet? Or maybe you want to become a modern player in digital communication? Whatever your expectations, you will discover below these essential new content marketing professions. In a few minutes, you will know everything about web marketing professionals and how to create your team to succeed in your content strategy.
🥢 Content Marketing Manager
The content marketing manager, also called digital content manager, marketing content coordinator, or content strategist, is the conductor of a content marketing strategy. They work for a brand or a company to ensure the link between the different web marketing professions. Their knowledge of all distribution channels and digital media makes them a true expert in digital communication.

As a content marketing specialist, the content marketing manager masters:
- content marketing study techniques;
- SEO tools;
- analysis of Internet traffic and return on investment;
- all writing and illustration processes on the web;
- online creation tools and content management systems (CMS);
- the most frequently used social media.
In addition, to achieve the set objectives and be able to adapt to the frequent changes in the digital world, they must be:
- curious and open-minded;
- interested, or even passionate about new technologies;
- able to make decisions and convince their entourage of the soundness of their choices;
- creative and innovative;
- a leader and mediator in all circumstances;
- precise and rigorous.
Field of activity
The field of activity of a content manager is extremely varied. To begin with, they must ensure a continuous monitoring of the competition and know the market of the business sector in which they operate perfectly.
They can then define the optimal content marketing strategy. To do this, they know the target customer profile of the company, their expectations, and needs. They carefully choose the most suitable social networks and control the consistency of the content offered.
Their role is also crucial in controlling the brand image of the company. They monitor and direct all other web marketing professions. They also ensure follow-up of the editorial planning and analyze the results obtained.
Usually, this position is held by an experienced executive. The required level of study is often a Bachelor's degree +5 in letters, communication, or marketing. A graduate of a business school or journalism also has the necessary skills, with a required supplement in marketing.
If you want to develop your knowledge in content marketing management, the online training provided by Livementor allows you to learn about all the activities related to digital marketing. This training is also eligible for various forms of financing adapted to your situation.
🔎 SEO Consultant
The SEO consultant, also called SEO specialist or expert, will help you make the content published on your website visible. Their goal is to ensure that the three pillars of natural referencing (technique, content, and notoriety) comply with the criteria established by search engines.

Naturally curious, the SEO expert carries out a continuous monitoring of the evolution of search engine algorithms. They therefore know all the best SEO practices and follow trends without proposing over-optimization.
They are also aware of the expectations of Internet users and mainly try to promote the user experience (UX). We are increasingly talking about SXO (Search eXperience Optimization). Their primary objective must therefore be to prioritize the reader while meeting the needs of indexing robots.
Their ability to adapt and question themselves are also essential skills for an SEO consultant. Indeed, there is no miracle recipe in SEO, and only experience and experimentation can achieve satisfactory results.
The SEO consultant must also master all SEO tools allowing them to analyze a website, develop an effective strategy according to the field of activity and competition, and continuously monitor the results obtained.
Field of activity
An SEO specialist must be versatile in order to:
- carry out a complete SEO audit;
- provide recommendations for each identified blocking point;
- develop an SEO strategy in line with the company's field of activity;
- propose an optimal keyword strategy;
- obtain quality external links (backlinks);
- set up an effective internal linking;
- monitor positioning on search engine results pages.
Although their field of activity is mainly related to website optimization, their knowledge of web marketing makes them a valuable ally in implementing a comprehensive and effective content marketing strategy.
There are many ways to become an SEO consultant. By following a traditional academic training, such as obtaining a master's degree or a Bachelor's degree +2 to +5 in web marketing, referencing, and web writing, or MDD (Direct & Digital Marketing).
However, many natural referencing specialists have trained online as part of a professional retraining. These trainings vary in time, price, and quality. Nevertheless, some recognized SEO experts pass on their knowledge in high-quality distance learning courses. This is notably the case with Olivier Andrieu (Formaseo) and Matthieu Verne (Referenseo).
💱 SEA Expert
For some, the paid referencing specialist is not part of content marketing professions. However, I believe that SEA (Search Engine Advertising), used occasionally and thoughtfully, can be an excellent ally in a content marketing strategy. To form your own opinion, I invite you to discover my latest blog post to learn all about content marketing.

An SEA expert must first and foremost know all the strategies related to paid referencing, whether on search engines or social networks. They must also master the art of communication and digital marketing.
In addition, their writing skills are excellent, and their knowledge of copywriting and storytelling can be significant assets. In order to control the return on investment of advertising campaigns, they know the analysis tools perfectly and know how to budget a project.
Field of activity
A driving force in digital marketing strategy, they suggest solutions adapted to the needs and means of the company for which they work. They also take care of regular monitoring of the competition.
In addition, they ensure that the landing pages are optimized, mainly from the point of view of conversion. Finally, they control the success rate of the campaign and provide a detailed report on its profitability.
To work with a large group, a Bachelor's degree +3 or +5 will often be required. In this case, a professional license in web marketing or referencing and web writing will be useful.
If you already have good writing skills and want to become an SEA paid referencing expert, the online training over 3 days (CPF fundable) with Novolinko offers a Datadock certification.
✒ SEO Web Copywriter
With the SEO consultant, the SEO web copywriter is certainly the most sought-after professional to establish an optimal content marketing strategy. Indeed, the editorial content not only allows transmitting a clear and effective message to the reader but also to search engines.

The SEO web copywriter knows the best practices for offering structured and adapted information to different digital reading media. They know the expectations of search engine indexing robots and the needs of Internet users.
They must also have a great capacity for adaptation to meet the expectations of their clients and be curious to constantly develop their general knowledge. A web copywriter also knows how to quickly find reliable sources and is able to create unique content based on the information found on the Internet.
Of course, their mastery of the French language, spelling, and syntax must be perfect. They understand the importance of semantics and can develop a rich lexical field related to the subjects covered. They also know how to use keyword research tools and integrate texts into content management platforms.
Field of activity
The SEO web copywriter is able to write all the texts of a website, whether for e-commerce, a showcase site, or a blog. They are responsible for writing:
- a home page;
- an "about" page;
- service, category, or product descriptions;
- a blog article;
- metadata;
- a white paper;
- newsletters.
In addition to writing new texts, some web copywriters specialized in natural referencing offer to correct and optimize existing pages, carry out an editorial audit, and even set up an editorial calendar.
A degree in letters or a license in referencing and web writing can be assets for SEO web copywriters. However, diplomas are rarely required, and often a portfolio or writing a test text are more common for choosing the perfect candidate.
Despite this, writing well is not enough to be an SEO web copywriter. Indeed, the techniques are very different from traditional writing, and only extensive experience or specific training can acquire the necessary skills. This is the case, for example, with the online training of Lucie Rondelet which is accessible to beginners passionate about writing.
📣 Community Manager
The community manager, also called web community animator or social network manager, maintains a close relationship with customers and disseminates relevant messages on social media. Too often underestimated, it is nevertheless a sharp profession that requires very precise skills.

To ensure the difficult task of animating social networks, a community manager must be:
- curious and innovative;
- diplomatic and courteous;
- able to analyze a community profile and adapt the strategy accordingly;
- creative, present, and responsive.
In addition to these professional skills, a community animator must have the following skills:
- treat a subject briefly and effectively;
- know the theme perfectly;
- master all social media and stay informed about new developments;
- know how to analyze statistics to measure e-reputation;
- use all the tools necessary for content creation and monitoring.
Field of activity
A community manager is responsible for the popularity and brand image of a company on social networks. They therefore actively participate in the development of the strategy on these platforms and adapt it to the community profile.
They are then responsible for the animation and cohesion of the community by offering attractive content that encourages interaction. They also play the role of moderator by ensuring that ethical rules are respected.
In addition, they also take care of monitoring the statistics and success of the various actions carried out on social networks. They then propose a precise report and know how to adapt the next campaigns according to the results obtained.
There is no academic training directly related to this field of activity. As a result, a community manager will often be hired based on their reputation or the results obtained in a similar commercial sector.
However, it is possible to train online to acquire all the skills necessary for the community animator profession. This is notably the case with the training offered by Openclassrooms.
🖌 Web Graphic Designer
The web graphic designer is the artist who takes care of the creation of all the visual content. From the logo to the infographic to the website design, it is an important profession in content marketing. Indeed, I remind you that images are at the top of search engine result pages, which allows you to gain considerable visibility.

A web graphic designer must first master all the tools necessary for creating a visual identity (Photoshop, Canva, CMS, etc.). Of course, they also know all the main image formats. In addition, they can adapt their work to the needs and personality of the company for which they work and propose a visual that corresponds to the textual content.
Apart from their creativity, they know how to be responsive and open-minded. Indeed, to be in perfect harmony with the brand image, they often have to retouch their work to achieve perfection. They also know how to transmit information in an image or in a few words to meet the expectations of the Internet user in all simplicity.
Field of activity
More than just a creator, the web graphic designer establishes:
- writing fonts;
- the graphic charter;
- logos;
- infographics;
- website design and aesthetics.
They also ensure the regular maintenance of the published graphics. They thus transmit the personality of a brand while ensuring its consistency and longevity.
To become a web graphic designer, it is possible to obtain a professional license in communication techniques or in multimedia creation for the Web. A BTS in graphic design for digital media or a master's degree in computer graphics and multimedia are also possible options.
The possibility of following an online training is also conceivable. For example, the edaa allows obtaining a recognized diploma in less than a year. This training is also open to all those who wish to develop their creativity, and the duration can be adapted according to each person's needs.
📼 Video Editor
Like visual content, video is an excellent way to increase visibility on the Internet. In a content marketing strategy, it is therefore almost essential to be interested in this means of communication and to be accompanied by a video editor specializing in the web.

Like most content marketing professions, the video editor must be creative and meticulous. As an audiovisual specialist, they advise their clients by being a driving force in proposing ideas.
Of course, they use perfectly the creation software allowing video editing adapted to digital reading. They must then show great attention to detail, know how to organize and be able to stay focused for long hours.
Field of activity
Apart from television channels and cinema, a video editor specializing in creating content for the Internet takes care of:
- promoting companies on their websites;
- videos adapted to different social media;
- creating and publishing films dedicated to video sharing platforms (YouTube, Dailymotion, etc.).
They therefore know all the formats that comply with the different communication channels and know how to apply the best practices for good natural referencing of video content.
The level of study generally required to become a video editor is Bachelor's degree +2 to +6. A BTS in audiovisual professions, higher professional certificate in video editing, or master's degree specialized in multimedia are all possible outlets in this field.
However, after proving themselves on the Internet, some YouTubers are recognized as experts in the specialty. There is also a possibility for beginners to train online on the site of the French Digital School (100% fundable by CPF).
🏆 How to create your content marketing team?

The way to proceed to create your editorial team depends mainly on the size of the company and the budget allocated to digital marketing. Depending on the needs and means, it is therefore necessary to ask the question of outsourcing or internalizing your content marketing team.
Outsourcing content marketing
Outsourcing content marketing is often the option chosen by small and medium-sized businesses. It is then possible to entrust this work to a single agency or to collaborate with freelancers. I explain below what is the best choice depending on your activity and what are their advantages and disadvantages.
Content marketing agency
If you have a rather substantial budget (or scalable) and high long-term objectives, collaborating with a content marketing agency seems to be the right choice. This allows you to work on all types of content with a single intermediary.
The advantages of a partnership with a content marketing agency are quite interesting:
- single contact;
- complete team at your disposal;
- replacements if necessary;
- single package (budget control)
However, there are also disadvantages to going through this subsidiary:
- lack of case-by-case management of the different content marketing professions;
- impersonal service;
- unavailability in case of emergency;
- high cost.
Working with freelancers is an excellent option for small businesses where the budget dedicated to communication is medium or low. This allows you to generate short-term actions without commitment over time. To find a freelancer, you can, for example, go to LinkedIn, Malt, or ask for recommendations from your circle of acquaintances.
By working independently with different content marketing professionals, you have some significant advantages:
- flexibility and adaptation according to your needs;
- personalization of each element of your digital communication;
- mission on request;
- cost management on a case-by-case basis.
However, there are disadvantages to working with different freelancers:
- lack of communication between the different actors of your communication;
- no replacement in case of illness or accident;
- variability of monthly costs;
- difficulty in finding the perfect candidate.
Internalization of content marketing
The internalization of content marketing will interest large companies and multinationals that have the means and capacity to hire a complete team dedicated to digital communication. Obviously, this allows you to have perfect homogeneity in your content strategy. In addition, you guarantee the permanent availability of your editorial team.
In addition to the professions mentioned below, I would recommend hiring an editor. Their role is mainly to control all content before putting it online. In a small structure, this responsibility often falls on the coordinator. However, if communication is carried out at a sustained pace, it is preferable to create this position to free up time for the rest of the team.
🎬 Conclusion
However, be careful not to set yourself too high goals when you start in web marketing. I advise you to create an editorial team step by step while carefully observing your return on investment. Choose your collaborators only according to your needs and test the profitability of your actions progressively.
To help you learn even more about content marketing, I will offer you a next blog post about the tools needed to succeed in your digital communication strategy. In the meantime, feel free to share your comments or expectations by leaving a message below.
Need to go further?
If you need to delve deeper into the topic, the editorial team recommends the following 5 contents: